
What you need to know

Q: When do I begin to earn rewards and how many tokens do I need to hold to start earning?

A: You begin earning rewards the moment you purchase $POUND. The amount of tokens does not make a difference. You start earning rewards even if you only have 1 $POUND.

Q: How does the referral system work?

A: You can earn extra $POUND tokens by inviting friends and family to our discord community server!

Q: What will we do with the treasury?

A: The treasury functions as additional financial support for the Insurance Funds. This additional support can become important in the event of an extreme price drop off of the $POUND token. The treasury is also used to fund new Pounder products, services, and projects that will expand and build up Pounder economy.

Q: Where can I buy the $POUND tokens?

A: The $POUND token is available on PancakeSwap.

Q: How is the APY sustained?

A: Pounder uses buy and sell taxes in order to sustain its fixed APY. This means we will never lower or raise the APY of the project. When users buy $POUND, 13% of their purchase goes towards the protocol, when they sell, 18% goes to the protocol as well. This is one of the main ways we achieve and sustain the APY, and therefor the reason why you need to pay this tax.

Q: How does the Rebase work?

A: The Rebase protocol allows tokens to work in a way that the circulating supply expands or contracts due to changes in token price. This increase or decrease in supply works with a mechanism called rebasing. Pounder Protocol uses a Positive Rebase formula which increases the $POUND supply of each holder.

Q: How to Stake

A: Pounder Protocol has created an innovative AutoStaking token which provides users a simpler way to receive staking rewards. Simply hold $POUND in your wallet and you will automatically receive staking rewards.

Q: How do I get my Rebase rewards?

A: The Rebase rewards, in simple terms, are the staking rewards. You are automaticly receive Rebase Rewards just by holding $POUND in your wallet.

Q: What is the slippage for the trade?

A: There are two different Slippages which can be used for trading $POUND:

1 | When you wish to buy, you will need to put the slippage at least at 13%.

2 | When you wish to sell, you will need to put the slippage at least at 18%.

You might need to add higher slippage during times when there are lots of buys and sells of Pound but you should only ever incur the same buy and sell fees as mentioned above.

Q: Is there a Max Supply of $POUND?

A: $POUND is a token with elastic supply and there are no standards for its quantity. $POUND does not have a Maximum Supply.

Q: When does the Rebase occur?

A: The Rebase occurs every 30 minutes and it distribute 0.03958% of the circulating supply as staking rewards to $POUND holders. In order to track the next Rebase, a holder can check the timer on the Pound staking dashboard.

Last updated